Дождь в ноябре словно небо в слезах я живу как во сне снова вижу тебя

Дождь в ноябре, Словно небо в слезах, Я живу, как во сне, Снова вижу тебя. Имя твоё На губах замерло, Далеко-далеко Я прощаюсь с тобой. Лишь до утра, до утра Я коснусь тебя. Лишь до утра, до утра Снова ты и я. Лишь до утра, Лишь до утра. А ты помнишь, как летали над горами, А ты помнишь, как любовь кушали руками? Как вино «Rose» пили и смеялись, Нам казалось, что мы в мире, где только радость, И вечность, и Солнце, и розы, и нежность — и всё для любви! А когда нас будил первый луч света, Ты говорила: «Это последнее лето.» Сердце в руках Так дрожало тогда, Я хотел всё отдать, Ты хотела мечтать. Имя твоё снова Сводит с ума, Далеко-далеко Я плыву в облаках. «Скопировано с сайта www.karaoke.ru»


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


Rain in November, as if the sky is crying, I’m like in a dream, Again see you. Your name on their lips froze, far, far away I say goodbye to you. Only until the morning, until the morning I turn to you. Only until the morning, until the morning you again and I only till morning, But until the morning. But do you remember how to fly over the mountains, and you remember how love ate with his hands? As wine «Rose» drank and laughed, it seemed to us that we are in a world where only joy and eternity, and Sun, and roses, and tenderness and love! And when we awoke the first ray of light, you said: «This last summer.» heart in your hands So drožalo then, I wanted to give everything you like to dream about. Your name’s crazy again, far, far away I am floating in the clouds. «Copied from the website www.karaoke.ru»

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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


Rain in November, as if the sky crying, I’m living in a dream, I see you again. Your name on his lips froze, Far away I say goodbye to you. Only until the morning, until the morning I will touch you. Only until the morning, until the morning again you and me. Only till the morning, only until the morning. Do you remember how to fly over the mountains, Do you remember how love ate hands? Like wine «Rose» we drank and laughed, we felt like we in a world where only joy and eternity, and the Sun, and roses, and tenderness — and all for love! And when we woke the first ray of light, you say, «This is the last summer.» Heart in hands shook so if I wanted to give everything you wanted to dream. Your name again crazy, Far away I’m floating in the clouds. «Copied from the site www.karaoke.ru»

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


Rain in November, as though the sky is in the tears, I live, as well as in the dream, I see thee again. The name on the lips thou hast stood still, Far, far away I bid to you. Only until the early hours of the morning, until the early hours of the morning I will refer you. Only until the early hours of the morning, until the early hours of the morning again you and i. Only until the early hours of the morning,Only until the early hours of the morning. But do you remember, as well as examine all over the mountains, and do you remember, as love roulette hands? As the wine «Rose» drank and laughed, it seemed to us that we are in the world, where only joy, and eternity, and the Sun, and roses,And curiosity — and all for love! And when we are dusty the first beam of light, you said: «This is the last summer.» The heart in the hands so razor blade even if he was, I would like all to pay, you would have dreamed of in the past. Thy name again brings to mind,Far, far away I i meet with joy and poignant sorrow. in a cloud environment. «Copied from the site www.karaoke.ru»

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